William Gee

Welcome! I am a therapist based in Herefordshire. I have studied the healing arts since 2004 and began doing so to address serious illnesses of my own: post-viral fatigue, suspected Crohn’s Disease, Colitis, acid reflux, hyperthyroidism and psychosis. The prognoses were not inspiring – at least one of these conditions was described as ‘incurable’. However, I trained extensively in meditation and I eventually recovered. You can read the full story on the page titled ‘A Return to Health’.

Building on an earlier sports science background as a Personal Trainer, I qualified as a meditation teacher and energy healer in 2016. I have been helping people and animals improve their circumstances since then. I have worked with a wide range of mental, emotional and physical conditions and built up a fine track record. My forthcoming book defines the holistic methods I invented to regain my health. Details are on the ‘Training’ page. I run a social media profile which features my schedule for healing classes in Hereford and therapy special deals – click to find me on facebook

I have links with a number of other therapists and our combined expertise lets us offer Nutritional Guidance, Herbal Medicine, Osteopathy, Massage, Acupuncture and Exercise Classes. We are of both genders, meaning clients who are seeking particular styles or therapists can be referred to the appropriate practices.

I can present a disclaimer: all statements made by myself or those I have worked with are personal opinions. This applies to my website, writings and social media, etc. I do not make medical claims, allege that I diagnose or treat disease, nor do I imply a cure for illnesses. Rather, I practice healing with the aim of helping to improve quality of life. My methods are entirely compatible with mainstream medicine and I keep a record of testimonials submitted by satisfied clients. These are anecdotal accounts rather than strict, scientific evidence but they continue to increase in number. I look forwards to documenting the efficacy of natural healing under clinical testing.

Thank you for visiting and good health!


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